® KeySense is a registered trademark of The Sapphire Foundation t/as Parkinson’s Foundation (Australia)
© Copyright 2024
Parkinson’s FOUNDATION
How KeySense Works
There has been a need for more accurate
and objective diagnoses of Parkinson’s
Disease (PD), particularly in its early
stages where the observable symptoms
may be subtle and
In order to be effec-
tive, such a new
assessment tech-
nique needs to -
Be significantly
more accurate
than current non-
specialist clinician
Provide an objective, quantifiable and
repeatable diagnostic test for PD.
Be able to diagnose PD where there
are just mild symptoms present.
Be able to detect it significantly earlier
in the disease progression.
Not require specialised equipment,
training or referral.
Take place in the patient’s home or
office environment as they type
normally on a computer.
Also be capable of providing ongoing
monitoring of medication, treatments
& disease progression.
KeySense Methodology
This involves the use of typing – by
analyzing the rhythm and cadence of
keystrokes as someone types on a
There is a wealth of information
embedded in those keystroke. Way back
in the mid-19th century, when the tele-
graph was in wide use, telegraph opera-
tors could identify other operators based
on their rhythm as they tapped on the
telegraph key. Much later, during World
War II, a methodology known as the ‘Fist
of the Sender’ was used to identify the
sender of the telegraph by using the
rhythm, pace and cadence of their Morse
code. Even without decoding the
messages, this allowed German troop
movements to be monitored by the Allied
Powers, as particular telegraph operators
were attached to a specific army unit.
These days, as someone types on a
computer keyboard, the characteristics of
their finger movement can be measured
down to millisecond accuracy.
KeySense Development
Based on 4 years of peer-reviewed
scientific research, with nearly 500
worldwide participants and 9,000 typing
Capture & recording of keystroke char-
acteristics as someone types normally
on a computer keyboard.
Detection of 4 separate types of PD
feature, especially two of the cardinal
features for clinical diagnosis - bradyki-
nesia & tremor.
Use of sophisticated artificial intelli-
gence (AI) machine learning models.
As implemented, the technique provides
objective, quantifiable, repeatable
measurements and results.
The Outcome
Provides a tool for both detection &
ongoing monitoring of disease status and
progression. The patient can take the
assessment reports to their medical practi-
tioner (GP) or specialist.
KeySense has a high and repeatable accu-
racy, with an 86% detection rate for even
early, mild symptoms of Parkinson’s, and
just 5% false positives. This compares with
GP accuracies of less than 75% across all
disease severities, and much lower than
that for early, mild cases.
The User Assessment Process
The user types 350 words of text (two
thirds of a page) on their own computer
and KeySense records a myriad of
timings about their finger movement.
This data is then
fed through a series
of machine learning
models which iden-
tify the probabilities
of specific move-
ment features
being within – or
outside – normal
expected ranges.
KeySense measures inconsistency, drop-
off and sidedness of movement and
tremor, as well as combining these into
an overall score.
The results are accompanied by descrip-
tive details which are also emailed to
the user.
Privacy and Anonymity
The KeySense assessment does not
need any personal details to be
provided and the participants remain
anonymous at all times.
Adams, W. R. (2020). The detection of
movement-related disease by changes in
keystroke characteristics while typing.
Charles Sturt University, Australia
Adams, W. R. (2019). Keyboard typing for the
detection of early Parkinson’s Disease. In V.
R. Preedy & C. Martin (Eds.), The
Neuroscience Of Parkinson’s Disease.
Academic Press.
Adams, W. R. (2018). The detection of hand
tremor through the characteristics of finger
movement while typing. BioRxiv.
Min, O., Wei, Z., Nian, Z., & Su, X. (2020). An
Application of LSTM Prediction Model Based
on Keystroke Data. In 2020 3rd International
Conference on Algorithms, Computing and
Artificial Intelligence. New York, NY, USA:
Association for Computing Machinery.
Peachap, A. B., Tchiotsop, D., Louis-Dorr, V., &
Wolf, D. (2020). Detection of early
Parkinson’s disease with wavelet features
using finger typing movements on a
keyboard. SN Applied Sciences, 2(10), 1–8.